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EÇEM/CEEE Newsletter | April 2021
Istanbul Collaborative Group’s Triadic Patent Achievement
The invention “Flow System For Avoiding Particle Agglomeration” co-developed by Prof. Dr. M. Pınar Mengüç, CEEE Director at Özyeğin University, and Prof. Dr. Ali Koşar and Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kürşat Şendur, SUNUM and EFSUN researchers, has recently been issued a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) after being registered by both the European Patent Office (EPO) (EP3365627B1), and the Japanese Patent Office (JPO).
Filed jointly by Özyeğin University and Sabancı University, the patent was granted the highly prestigious triadic patent, and took its place among the fewer than 20 triadic patents in Turkey.
The invention proposes an innovative system to prevent nanoparticle agglomeration in a flow restrictor. This novel method is expected to pave the way for long-term use of nanoparticles in various applications. The three researchers behind the invention are members of the research group “Istanbul Collaborative”, and this is their second joint patent. For more about the patent, and the press releases of Özyeğin and Sabancı Universities, please click on the following links:
Dr. Cem Keskin, R&D Team Leader at CEEE, Joins International Energy Agency’s Annex-84 Working Group
Dr. Cem Keskin, R&D Team Leader at CEEE, has joined the Annex 84 Working Group under the International Energy Agency’s “Energy in Buildings and Communities Program” to represent CEEE with the designation of the Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers. The working group which operates under the overarching theme of “Demand Management of Buildings in Thermal Networks” will conduct a series of sub-projects and academic studies on the subject. These studies are expected to deliver significant outputs towards the identification of the technical and social factors that determine the thermal energy demand of buildings and building groups as well as potential digitalization opportunities for demand management. The studies are expected to continue till 2025 and will be shared with decision makers and sector representatives by the International Energy Agency.
CEEE’s NEXT-GEN Project Brought to a Successful Completion
The NEXT-GEN (Next Generation) Project which was awarded a grant under the Transformers Fund of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) in 2019 was brought to a successful completion in January 2021. The project was launched with the vision of educating the local leaders of energy efficiency. Within the scope of the project, a series of studies were undertaken on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the selected pilot vocational and technical schools across 10 cities in the Southeast Anatolia (Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Şanlıurfa and Şırnak) in coordination with the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education, and local governments.
As part of the project, the Energy Efficiency Module was incorporated into In-Service Training for Teachers to ensure that energy efficiency is directly taught to students and teachers, while a series of Energy Efficiency Workshops and applied and theoretical training were held for municipal energy representatives in Istanbul and Gaziantep. Meanwhile, as part of the project, CEEE has also recently published the Energy Efficiency in Buildings Manual, a special guide prepared for municipalities to explain the main principles for energy efficiency.
With the motto of “Next Generation Near Future”, the project recently received the Honorable Mention award in the “Community Engagement Initiative of the Year” category in the Asia-Pacific Triple-E Awards initiated by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU). The NEXT-Gen project is also renowned for its significant contributions to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals : Quality Education, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Climate Action. The project documentary is available at NEXT-GEN Project Documentary
At the end of the project, Dr. Deniz Şenol Sert, Yasemin Somuncu, and Nil Kutlar co-authored a paper titled “A Debate on Vocational Training in Energy, Refugees and Livelihood”. The paper is available in the following link.
Panorama, Online Publication, February 24, 2021, (NEXT-GEN Project Policy Abstract);
4 Publications for Society About the COVID-19 Pandemic
4 papers were published in SARKAÇ, the scientific platform of the Science Academy in Turkey, within the scope of the activities of Özyeğin University’s COVID-19 Forecasting and Solution Development Team led by Associate Prof. Özgür Ertunç, Dr. Selenga Gürmen, and Prof. Dr. M. Pınar Mengüç. The papers were intended to develop new social concepts through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary methods in pandemic-related areas. The papers are available in the following links:
- Ö. Ertunç, M. P. Mengüç, R. Diz-Küçükkaya, “Normalization Process and Fluctuations of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey”, Science Academy, Sarkaç Science Platform, May 30, 2020; https://sarkac.org/2020/05/turkiyede-covid-19-salgini-normallesme-sureci-ve-dalgalanmalar/
- Ö. Ertunç, M. P. Mengüç, “How to Reduce the Risk of Indoor Transmission at Schools an Universities?”, Science Academy, Sarkaç Science Platform, October 8, 2020; https://sarkac.org/2020/10/kapali-alanlarda-koronavirus-bulasma-riski-nasil-azaltilabilir/
- M. S. Gülmen, M. P. Mengüç, “Family Therapy Approach to Social Crises”, Science Academy, Sarkaç Science Platform, February 11, 2021; https://sarkac.org/2021/02/toplumsal-krizlere-aile-terapisi-yaklasimi/
- M. S. Gülmen, M. P. Mengüç, “Behavioral Change Model for Social Issues”, Science Academy, Sarkaç Science Platform, February 21, 2021; https://sarkac.org/2021/02/toplumsal-sorunlar-icin-davranis-degisim-modeli/
These papers are also available on the Özyeğin University COVID-19 Forecasting and Solution Development webpage.